Looking for a college that goes beyond education? We provide students with real-world skills, hands-on learning, and career guidance to help them succeed. Discover your passion, build your future, and lead in your field. Apply now and take the first step toward success.
Fired by missionary zeal and patriotism to serve the society and our great country. A group of social activists and educationists laid foundation of IME in 1995 to promote professional education.
The purpose of the IME is to train and equip younger generation of the society so that they can excel in the field of management, law, Info-technology. etc. and play a dominant role in the nation building. IME is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). It is also certified ‘B’ school by International Accreditation Organization USA.
Institute of Management Education is in the forefront of developing ever increasing intellects in interconnected and inter-cultural world. Known for its values and ethics based education, IME’s commitment is twofold: delivering excellence in education and developing the inherent talents of those who come here to study the courses. IME believes in preparing its passing out graduates to play their role in peace building, community service, serving and leading in global context.
IME was started in 1995 by a group of leading academicians and corporate executives in NCR. Over the past 25 years it got established itself as one of the premier Business Schools of the country. With the mission to serve the society by promoting excellence in education, the institute has diversified in the areas of Management, Commerce, Information Technology and Law.
We use a range of teaching and learning methodologies which are drawn from the constructive and blended learning approaches. Our teaching pedagogy has three key features: Exploration, collaboration and application of knowledge.
The first key feature of our teaching pedagogy is the idea of critical thinking which leads the learner to exploration, secondly we emphasize on collaboration which puts emphasis on the fact that students learn better when they are actively engaged, the third key feature is the application of knowledge and skills learned.
IME ensures all round personality development of the students. Apart from Academics, the students participates in all beyond activities. Students can be members of various clubs. These clubs organize the activities for their chosen functions including competitions and short term projects.
The Alumni of Institute of Management Education connects every year to renew their strong linkages and deep association to their alma matter. Many Alumni are holding high positions in Government and Private organizations. They are filled with a feeling of pride when they recall their students’ days at the IME. The feedback periodically received from the Alumni Meet about the IME academic matters plays a significant role for deciding policies for succeeding academic years. The active role which IME alumni plays in making IME a brand name is really worth-remembering.